Unlike dry skin, sensitive skin occurs in some people due to genetics, but anyone can experience sensitive skin if their skin is exposed to irritants or allergens that triggers inflammation. Whatever your sensitive skin concerns, you can book in for a free consultation to assess your skin, in depth, with one of our specialists. Make sure to ask about our oWay® analysis tool – a digital device for taking high quality images under the microscope!
What are the symptoms of sensitive skin?
Depending on the underlying cause of sensitive skin, symptoms can present in various ways such as;
- Red, swollen and itchy skin
- Skin redness that presents with or without swelling
- Skin that stings or burns
- Rashes or hives
- Dry skin that may crack, blister or bleed
- Patches of skin that feel dry, hard and leathery
What are common triggers of sensitive skin?
Just as sensitive skin symptoms can vary based on the underlying causes of skin inflammation, so, too, can the most common triggers for each.
- Triggers of irritant contact dermatitis include: Exposure to heat and hot water, soaps, beauty products, hand sanitizers, solvents, laundry detergents or anything that can damage the outer layer of the skin.
- Triggers of allergic contact dermatitis: Preservatives and fragrances in soaps, beauty products and laundry detergents; certain plants, such as poison ivy, oak and sumac; exposure to heat and hot water; jewelry made from certain metals, such as nickel; rubber, latex and adhesives
- Triggers of eczema: Certain foods, including dairy, eggs, nuts, soy and wheat; preservatives and fragrances in soaps, beauty products and laundry detergents; hot or cold weather, humidity and sweat.
How to treat sensitive skin?
Whatever your sensitive skin concerns, we target and minimize the symptoms of these conditions through a few notable skin treatments. Check out which best fits your needs and be sure to book a consultation with us after reading.
What are the common causes of sensitive skin?
- Irritant contact dermatitis; the most common form of sensitive skin, it results in a nonspecific rash forming after exposure to an irritating chemical or any physical agent that damages the skin’s protective outer layer;
- Allergic contact dermatitis; an allergic or immune reaction to an irritating chemical, allergen or other substance;
- Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis; a chronic condition, which can flare up parodically, in which skin becomes rough and inflamed;
- Dry skin can also ultimately lead to experiencing symptoms of sensitive skin, since having less moisture reduces how protected the skin is from external irritants;
- In addition, rosacea, a chronic inflammatory skin condition, and photo dermatosis, a light-dependent skin reaction, can lead to sensitive skin.